Sažetak | Istraživanje je provedeno na farmi KONES-BI iz Velikog Pašijana. Farma se bavi proizvodnjom konzumnih jaja, kapaciteta je 84000 kljunova.
U radu je istražena proizvodnja konzumnih jaja iz dva kavezna sustava držanja kokoši nesilica u dvije proizvodne godine u konvencionalnim kavezima i dvije u obogaćenim kavezima. Istražena je proizvodnost, konverzija hrane, mortalitet i kvaliteta jaja.
Proizvodnost jaja u obogaćenim kavezima je nešto lošija. Kokoši su nesle manje jaja (308, 310) u odnosu na konvencionalne kaveze (327, 316). Konverzija hrane za kilogram jajačane mase je bila lošija 2,76-2,78 nasuprot 2,55-2,66 kg. Mortalitet je bio veći (4,-7% u odnosu na 2-3,5%). Prljavost i lom jaja veći (4,8-5%) u odnosu na (1-1,1%) uz podjednaku izlaznu težinu kokoši nesilica.
Što se tiče dobrobiti životinja obogaćeni kavezi su prihvatljiviji, a sa proizvodnog i higijenskog stajališta manje prihvatljivi od konvencionalnih kaveza.
Iz navedenih podataka proizlazi da je sa stanovišta proizvodnje držanje u konvencionalnim kavezima bolje, proizvodnja je veća, a troškovi manji. U obogaćenim kavezima prednost je dobrobit životinja (bolja mogućnost kretanja, zadovoljenje etoloških potreba grebanja, kljucanja, čeprkanja, sjedenja na prečkama i nesenje u gnijezdu) te bi se njihov proizvodni ciklus s tog stanovišta mogao produžiti, a time i kompenzirati nešto slabiju proizvodnost.
Cijena jaja u prodaji nije se značajno razlikovala između ova dva sustava držanja (u konvencionalnim kavezima 0,6 kn, a u obogaćenim 0,57 kn).
Iz svega navedenoga zaključuje se da je proizvodnja jaja bila skuplja i jednim dijelom teža, a zarada nešto manja u novim obogaćenim kavezima. |
Sažetak (engleski) | The research was conducted on the KONES-BI farm in Veliki Pašijan. The farm is producing table eggs. The capacity of the farm is 84000 beaks. All the jobs on the farm are done by the Bek family. There are 16 employees total. They treat 150 ha of land. They produce a poultry mixture in their own poultry feed. They grow maize, wheat, oats and triticale. They buy soybean meal.
The thesis investigates the production of table eggs from two different laying cage systems. The research has been done in period of two production years both in convenctional and enriched cages, with special review on productivity, feed conversion, mortality and the eggs quality. The egg production in enriched cages is slightly worse than in convectional cages . The chickens laid (308, 310) eggs less in comparison to the convectional cages (327, 316). The feed conversion was worse . The hens spent more food per kilogram of egg mass (2,76- 2,78) kg as opposed to (2,55-2,66). The mortality was higher (4-7%) in relation to (2-3,5%). There were more soiled and broken eggs. (4,8-5% in relation to 1-1,1%) with the output equal weight laying hens. As for animal welfare, enriched cages are more acceptable, and from the production and hygienic point of view they are less acceptable, in relation to holding hens in coventional cages. It would thus appear, from the point of production, holding in conventional cages is better. Higher production and lower costs. In enriched cages the advantage is an animal welfare, because of their possibility to move freely, and satisfy their ethological needs (scratching, picking, sitting on the cage bars, laying in a nest). From that point their production cycle could be extended and thereby compensate slightly lower productivity.
The price of eggs on sale didn't differ between the two systems of holding. The average price of an egg in the market produced in the convectional cage was 0,6kn, and the one in an enriched cage 0,57kn. Slightly lower price of eggs in enriched cages is the result of a large number of fractured and soiled eggs, which were sold at a price of 0,25kn, which breaks the overall average price of eggs at the farm.
From all this we can see that the egg production was more expensive and partly more difficult, and the wage slightly lower in new enriched cages. |