Sažetak | Mjera 14 „Dobrobit životinja“ dio je Programa ruralnog razvoja Republike Hrvatske i usmjerena je na poboljšanje uvjeta uzgoja domaćih životinja kroz financijsku potporu poljoprivrednicima koji se obvezuju na provođenje dodatnih standarda dobrobiti životinja koji prelaze osnovne zakonske zahtjeve. U Karlovačkoj se županiji bilježi kontinuirano povećanje interesa i korištenja M14 u ovčarstvu. U prve tri promatrane godine (od 2020. pa do 2022.), od ponuđene tri pod mjera unutar M14 korištena je samo jedna pod mjera - pristup na otvoreno. U 2023. godini prijavljene su četiri pod mjere unutar M 14 i to: držanje na ispaši; plan hranidbe, pristup ispustu i povećanje podne površine za 10 % za ovce u proizvodnji mesa. Kao što je i pretpostavljeno, korisnici mjere smatraju da je Mjera 14 izuzetno važna jer utječe na poboljšanje uvjeta uzgoja životinja uz osiguravanje dodatne financijske potpore. Njenom primjenom osigurani su na gospodarstvima visokih standardi dobrobiti, što uključuje osiguranje boljeg smještaja, stalni pristup otvorenom prostoru, te poboljšanje u hranidbi i veterinarskoj skrbi za ovce, čime se direktno utječe na zdravlje i dobrobit ovaca. Dugoročno, M 14 omogućuje ovčarima bolje pozicioniranje na tržištu, doprinosi održivosti i stabilizaciji proizvodnje te povećanju ekonomske održivosti. Potrošači sve više cijene humanu i održivu uzgojnu praksu pa proizvodi od ovaca uzgojenih u boljim uvjetima mogu postići višu tržišnu cijenu. |
Sažetak (engleski) | Measure 14 "Animal Welfare" is part of the Rural Development Program of the Republic of Croatia and is aimed at improving the conditions for raising domestic animals. This measure provides financial support to farmers who undertake to implement additional animal welfare standards that go beyond the basic legal requirements. In Karlovac County, there is a continuous increase in interest and use of M14 throughout the observed period in sheep breeding. It can be pointed out that in Karlovac County in the first three observed years (from 2020 to 2022), of the three sub-measures offered within M14 (improved nutrition, improved accommodation conditions and access to the outdoors), only one sub-measure was used - access to Open. In 2023, a total of four sub-measures were reported within M14, namely: grazing; feeding plan, access to outlet and increase of floor area by 10% for sheep in meat production. It is to be expected that the education of agricultural producers in Karlovac County will lead to an even greater number of beneficiaries and greater compliance with the prescribed obligations for the requested sub-measures in future program periods. Surveying the users of the measure led to the conclusion that the main problem in the interest as well as when using the measure is the lack of education of the users, which is why support is denied and, in their opinion, the administration is too demanding. As it was assumed, the users of the measure consider Measure 14 to be extremely important because it provides additional financial support for the improvement of animal breeding conditions. Its application ensures high standards of well-being, which includes ensuring better accommodation, constant access to open space, and improvement in feeding and veterinary care for sheep, which directly affects the health and well-being of sheep. In the long term, M14 contributes to the sustainability and stabilization of production and increases economic sustainability. Products from sheep raised in better conditions can achieve a higher market price. Consumers are increasingly appreciating humane and sustainable breeding practices, which enables shepherds participating in Measure 14 to better position themselves in the market. Breeders have become aware of the importance of ensuring the welfare of animals, but in the future, they should be informed about the possibilities and obligations from M14 in order to use financial support smoothly. |