Abstract | USPOREDBA NAČINA DRŽANJA KOKOŠI NESILICA NA FARMI PIKO D.O.O Istraživanje je provedeno tijekom 2015. i 2016. na farmi „Piko“ d.o.o. u Volavju pokraj Jastrebarskog, na 125 000 nesilica lakog linijskog hibrida Lohman-Brown u sustavu držanja u obogaćenim kavezimai gotovo 50 000 nesilica na podnom načinu. Farma posjeduje vlastitu sortirnicu i pakiraonicu jaja, te je u tijeku izrada pogona za sušenje gnoja koji bi predstavljao dodatni izvor prihoda. Također ima i vlastitu mješaonicu stočne hrane i spada među 5 najvećih peradarskih farmi u Republici Hrvatskoj. Oba sustava držanja zadovoljavaju sve zakonske uvjete za držanje kokoši nesilica. Trajanje proizvodnog ciklusa dulje je do dva tjedna u podnom načinu držanja. Analizom dobivenih podataka za zaključiti je da su kokoši nesilice iz obogaćenih kaveza nesle veći broj jaja 2015., 355:342, odnosno 3,8% više i 2016., 359:339, odnosno 5.9% u odnosu na podni način držanja. Kod kokoši nesilica iz obogaćenih kaveza bio je manji utrošak smjese po jajetu i to 2015. 129,89:145,99 g (11%), i 2016. 128,12:147,06 g (12,9%). Kokoši iz obogaćenih kaveza imale su manji mortalitet u obje promatrane godine, iznosio je 2015. 7,49:8,49% i 2016. 7,50:8,65%. Obogaćeni sustav držanja pokazao se boljim zbog manje prljavih i napuklih jaja (1,6%) nego u podnom držanju 2,3%. Međutim, s gledišta dobrobiti kokoši nesilica podni način držanja je prihvatljiviji zbog veće mogućnosti kretanja, protezanja krila i nogu, a omogućeno im je i zadovoljavanje etoloških potreba (grebanje, kljucanje, čeprkanje). Na istraživanoj farmi nižu proizvodnju djelomično kompenziraju produljenjem proizvodnog ciklusa u podnom držanju. U budućnosti planiraju izvoz na EU tržište i postizanje veće cijene za jaja iz podnog načina držanja. |
Abstract (english) | COMPARISON OF HOLDING METHODS OF LAYING HENS ON FARM „PIKO“ D.O.O. The research was carried out during 2015 and 2016 at the "Piko" d.o.o farm in Volvje near Jastrebarsko, to 125 000 Lohman-Brown light-hybrid laying hens in the enriched cages system and almost 50,000 laying hens in alternative way. The farm has its own sorting office and egg packs, and is in the process of making a drying plant that would be an additional source of income. It also has its own fodder mixer and is among the 5 largest poultry farms in the Republic of Croatia. Both holding systems meet all the legal requirements for laying hens. The production cycle duration is longer up to two weeks in floor mode. By analyzing the data obtained, it is concluded that chicken eggs from enriched cages do have a higher number of eggs; in 2015, 355: 342 (3,8% more then floor holding) and in 2016, 359:339, or 5.9% more compared to floor holding. For chickens in enriched cages, the consumption of egg mixture was lower, and that in 2015. 129.89:145.99 g (11% less compared to floor holding), and in 2016. 128.12:147.06 g (-12,9%). The chickens in enriched cages had a lower mortality rate in both the observed years, in 2015: 7.49:8.49% and 2016. 7.50:8.65%. The enriched holding system proved to be better due to less than of dirty and cracked eggs 1.6% than 2.3% in floor standing. However, from the point of view of the welfare of laying hens, the flooring of the posture is more acceptable because of the greater possibility of movement, widening of the wings and the legs, and it is also possible to satisfy the ethological needs (scratching, spin, whistling). In the investigated farm the lower production is partially compensated by the prolongation of the production cycle in floor standing. In the future, they are planning to export to the EU market and achieve higher prices for eggs from underdeveloped ways. |