Abstract | Simbiotska povezanost između biljaka i arbuskularne mikorizne gljive osigurava rast biljaka i
unos hranjivih tvari, te može igrati važnu ulogu u kontekstu održivosti u poljoprivredi. Cilj
ovog istraživanja bio je ispitati utjecaj različitih koncentracija inokuluma arbuskularnih
mikoriznih gljiva na fotosintezu, prinos i kemijska svojstva ploda rajčice. Biljke rajčice
(hibrid Optima) inokulirane različitim koncentracijama (2,5, 5,0, 10,0 g / l) mješavine Glomus
spp (komercijalni proizvod), uzgajane su u poljskim uvjetima, bez uporabe gnojiva i
navodnjavanja. Uzorci tla uzeti su iz svakog tretmana na dubinama od 0 do 30 cm.
Eksperiment je postavljen po principu slučajnog bloknog rasporeda u tri ponavljanja, svako
ponavljanje sadrži kontrolnu skupinu i inokulirane biljke s tri različite koncentracije
mikorizne mješavine. Za analitičke svrhe kemijskih svojstava plodovi rajčice su brani tri puta
tijekom rujna. Svježi plodovi analizirani su na: suhu tvar, titracijske kiseline, askorbinsku
kiselinu i pH. Sadržaj dušika, fosfora i kalija analiziran je u suhom uzorku rajčice. U svrhu
mjerenja visine, širine, tvrdoće i boje rajčice koristile su se dvije berbe iz kolovoza. Ukupni
prinos se mjerio od prve do zadnje berbe. Parametri fotosinteze su mjereni sredinom kolovoza
između 10 i 12 sati. Analiza tla pokazala je da se radi o kiselom tlu, siromašnom humusom, s
umjereno niskom razinom kalija i dušika i visokom razinom fosfora. Statistička analiza
pokazuje da nema značajne razlike (P> 0,05) u sadržaju suhe tvari, pH, sadržaju dušika, kalija
i ukupnoj količini bjelančevina u plodovima rajčice. Značajne razlike se nisu pokazale ni u
ukupnom prinosu, visini, širini i tvrdoći ploda rajčice. Parametri fotosinteze također nisu
pokazali statistički značajne razlike, ali značajne razlike (P <0,05) između neinokuliranih i
inokuliranih biljaka vide se u sadržaju vitamina C, titracijskih kiselina, šećera i postotku
fosfora u plodovima rajčice. Inokulacija arbuskularnim mikoriznim gljivama u koncentraciji
od 2.5, 5.0, 10.0 g / l povećala je sadržaj vitamina C, titracijskih kiselina, šećera i sadržaj
fosfora u plodovima rajčice. |
Abstract (english) | Symbiotic associations between plants and Arbuscular Mycorrhizae fungi (AMF) provide
plant growth and nutrient uptake and can play important role within the context of
sustainability in agriculture. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of different
concentrations of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) inoculum on photosynthesis, yield
and chemical properties of tomato fruits. Tomato plants (Lycopersicon esculentum ‘Optima
F1’) inoculated with different concentration (2.5, 5.0, 10.0 g/l) of Glomus spp. mixture
(commercial product), were grown in the field condition without use of fertiliser and
irrigation. Soil samples were taken from each treatment at depths from 0 to 30 cm.
Experiment was designed as a randomised block design in three repetitions, every repetition
contained control group and inoculated plants with three different concentration of
mycorrhizal mixture. For analytical purpose of chemical properties tomato fruits were
harvested three times during September. Fresh fruits were analysed on: dry matter, titrable
acids, ascorbic acid and pH. Content of nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium were analysed
in dry tomato samples. In order to measure the height, width, hardness and color of tomatoes
were used two harvests in August. The total yield was measured from the first to the last
harvest. The parameters of photosynthesis were measured in mid-August between 10-12
hours. Soil analysis showed that soil was acid, poor in humus, with moderately low potassium
and nitrogen level and high phosphorus level. Statistical analysis suggests that there were no
significant differences (P>0.05) in fruits dry matter, pH, nitrogen, potassium and total protein
in tomato fruits. Also significant differences were not shown in the total yield, height, width
and hardness of the tomato fruits. The parameters of photosynthesis also did not show
statistically significant differences, but significant differences (P<0.05) between non treated
and inoculated plants occurred in the content of vitamin C, titrable acids, sugars content and
percent of phosphorus in tomato fruits. AMF inoculation (2.5, 5.0, 10.0 g/l) increased content
of vitamin C, titrable acids, sugars content and the content of phosphorus in tomato fruits. |