Abstract | Pojava pandemije COVID-19 za cijeli svijet bila je velika nepoznanica. Potpuno se promijenio svakodnevni način života, ustaljenje i redovne navike u privatnom životu, ali i radnom mjestu.
U anketi je sudjelovao 391 ispitanik iz 11 zemalja. Temeljem rezultata provedenog istraživanja ustanovljeni su glavni čimbenici koji su utjecali na donošenje odluka o kupnji i konzumaciji poput hrane, tako se je došlo do spoznaje da pitanje prepoznatljivosti proizvođača utječe na odabir proizvoda. Zatim, kod odabira proizvoda nakon izbijanja pandemije vrlo značajnu ulogu imaju lokalni i ekološki proizvođači, dok primjerice cijena više nije toliko presudan čimbenik. Valja napomenuti, da je uslijed slijeda događaja izazvanih izbijanjem pandemije on-line trgovina hranom, kao i izravna kupovina od proizvođača doživjela veliki rast, što upravo potvrđuje i ovo istraživanje.
Dakle, može se sa sigurnošću utvrditi da je uslijed krize izazvane pandemijom COVID-19 došlo do promjene obrasca u potrošačkom ponašanju u području konzumacije hrane. Promijenile su se navike koje definiraju uvjete u distribucijskim lancima, potrošači brinući za svoje zdravlje odlučuju se zdravije hraniti što uključuje i odluke o većem izdvajanju za potrebe potrošnje i nabavke adekvatne hrane. Temeljem izrečenog može se kazati da je moguće potvrditi hipotezu koja glasi: U uvjetima pandemije promijenio se pristup u načinu kupnje i konzumacije hrane, odnosno došlo je do promjene obrazaca ponašanja potrošača. |
Abstract (english) | The emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic was a big unknown for the whole world. The daily way of life, settling down and regular habits in private life, but also in the workplace, have completely changed.
391 respondents from 11 countries took part in the survey. Based on the results of the conducted research, the main factors that influenced the decision-making on purchase and consumption, such as food, were established, thus it was realized that the issue of producer recognition affects the choice of products. Then, when choosing products after the outbreak of the pandemic, local and ecological producers play a very important role, while, for example, price is no longer such a decisive factor. It should be noted that due to the sequence of events caused by the outbreak of the pandemic, the online food trade, as well as direct purchases from producers, experienced a large growth, which is confirmed by this research.
So, it can be determined with certainty that due to the crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, there has been a change in the pattern of consumer behaviour in the area of food consumption. The habits that define the conditions in the distribution chains have changed, consumers taking care of their health decide to eat more healthily, which also includes decisions on greater allocations for the needs of consumption and procurement of adequate food. Based on what has been said, it can be said that it is possible to confirm the hypothesis that reads: In the conditions of the pandemic, the approach to the way of buying and consuming food has changed, that is, there has been a change in consumer behaviour patterns. |