Abstract | Predmet rada je analiza i ocjena uspješnosti na temelju prikupljenih podataka o projektima IPARD programa preko kojeg su hrvatski poljoprivrednici prijavljivali svoje poduzetničke projekte na natječaje resornog ministarstva, odnosno Agencije za plaćanja u poljoprivredi, ribarstvu i ruralnom razvoju (kao provedbenog tijela) u privlačenju bespovratnih sredstva EU fondova. Iskazati uspješnost korištenja svih mjera IPARD programa u RH u promatranom razdoblju po natječajima, i iskoristivost pojedinih mjera po broju ugovorenih korisnika i isplaćenih projekata po svakoj županiji u RH. Iskazati iskorištenje u odnosu na ranije predpristupne fondove za poljoprivredu (SAPARD) za RH. Istraživanjem je utvrđeno da je nakon provedena 21 natječaja IPARD programa ( za Mjere 101, 103, 301, 302, 202 i 501) podneseno je 1287 prijava, a broj ugovorenih projekata iznosio je 800 tj. 62,99% od podnesenih prijava, s ugovorenim iznosom ulaganja od,06 kuna. Nakon realiziranih projekata broj isplaćenih prijava bio je 591, što je 73,88% isplaćenih prijava u odnosu na ugovoreni broj prijava. Isplaćena potpora je u iznosu od 826.155.577,94 kuna, što je 63,87% isplaćene potpore u odnosu na iznos odobrene potpore od 1.293.570.091,76 kuna. Istarska županija ugovorila je najviše projekata u Republici Hrvatskoj, njih 136, što u postotku svih ugovorenih prijava iznosi 17.0%, kao i najvišu vrijednost iznosa isplaćene potpore u RH, koja iznosi 126.311.937,91 kuna. Prema službenim podacima, u četiri je natječaja SAPARD programa prijavljeno bilo 139 projekata, ugovoreno 86 prijava (61,7%) od kojih je isplaćeno njih 37 (47%), u iznosu od oko 117 milijuna kuna. Očekivanja da će na kraju provedbe IPARD programa ukupna financijska iskoristivost Republike Hrvatske biti najmanje 70% su prevaziđena iskoristivošću isplaćenih projekata od 73,88%. Djelomično dokazujemo hipotezu da se realizacijom investicijskih projekata prijavljenih na IPARD natječaje postiglo određeno zadovoljstvo stanovništva osiguravanjem mogućnosti zapošljavanja u ruralnim područjima te pomoć poljoprivrednim gospodarstvima da povećanjem prihoda postanu konkurentniji na hrvatskom i EU tržištu te kako bi se razvila i oporavila osnovna ruralna infrastruktura. 56 Većom ili manjom uspješnosti hrvatskih korisnika u regijama/županijama u realizaciji projekata i povlačenju sredstava pomoću IPARD programa nije se postigao brži i ujednačeniji gospodarski i društveni razvoj ruralnih regija. Time ne dokazujemo hipotezu da se realizacijom investicijskih projekata prijavljenih na IPARD natječaje postigao ujednačeniji gospodarski razvoj ruralnih regija. |
Abstract (english) | This thesis aims to analyse and evaluate the rate of success in withdrawing and absorbing non-refundable financial aid from the EU Funds on the basis of the official data collected on the projects submitted through the IPARD Programme. The Croatian farmers submitted their entrepreneurial projects through the IPARD Programme to tenders of the line Ministry, i.e., the Paying Agency for agriculture, fisheries and rural development. Furthermore, this thesis evaluates, analysing all executed tenders, the rate of success in the usage (absorption) of all available measures of IPARD Programme in the Republic of Croatia in the monitoring period, as well as the utilisation of individual measures taking into account the number of contracted users and paid projects in all Croatian counties. It also analyses and compares the levels of their absorption in relation to earlier pre-accession funds for agriculture available to Croatia (SAPARD). The research indicates that for 21 tenders carried out in the framework of the IPARD programme (for measures 101, 103, 301, 302, 202 and 501), altogether 1,287 applications (nominated projects) have been received, and 800 projects have been contracted (62.99% of all applications), amounting to HRK,06. After the realization of the projects, 591 applications have been paid, representing 73.88% of all contracted applications (projects). The total payment carried out amounted to 826.155.577,94 HRK, representing 63,87% of the approved payment of,76 HRK. The County of Istria contracted 136 projects, the highest number of all counties in the Republic of Croatia, representing 17% of all contracted projects. The same county also received the highest payment in the Republic of Croatia, in the amount of 126.31.938,91 HRK. According to the official data, in the four tenders carried out under the SAPARD programme, there were 139 project applications received, 86 have been contracted (61,7%), 57 and 37 of them paid (47% of all projects submitted), in the amount of approx. 117 millions HRK.The expectations that, at the end of the implementation of the IPARD Programme, the Republic of Croatia will absorb some 70% of the funds made available through that programme have thus been surpassed and the final rate of absorption was 73.88%. We are partly trying to prove the hypothesis that the realization of investment projects submitted to the IPARD tenders helped achieving a certain satisfaction of the rural population by providing them with employment opportunities in rural areas and by helping farms to become more competitive on the Croatian and EU markets by increasing their incomes and by developing and rebuilding basic rural infrastructure. Greater or lesser success of Croatian customers in the regions / counties regarding the implementation of projects and the level of withdrawal of funds by the IPARD program didn't contribute to faster and more balanced economic and social development of rural regions. This does not prove the hypothesis that the realization of investment projects submitted to the IPARD tenders contributed to a more balanced economic development of rural regions. |