Abstract | Proizvodnja bobičastog voća sve više je zastupljena, kako u svijetu tako i u Hrvatskoj. Prema podatcima iz 2013 godine. u Hrvatskoj se bobičasto voće, bez jagoda, uzgajalo na 460 ha, a proizvedeno je 975 tona svježeg ploda. Uzgoj ribiza se uglavnom provodi na principima konvencionalne poljoprivredne proizvodnje, što zbog nedovoljnog znanja i težnje za što većim prinosom, nosi velik rizik od zagađenja okoliša i ugrožavanja zdravlja potrošača ostatcima korištenih agrokemikalija, pa se traže i druga rješenja. U zadnjih nekoliko godina posebna pozornost posvećuje se integriranoj i ekološkoj proizvodnji te gnojidbi organskim gnojivima, koji osim što pozitivno utječu na rast i razvoj biljke, utječu i na povećanje nutritivne vrijednosti ploda. Cilj ovog istraživanja je bio utvrditi utjecaj različitih sustava gnojidbe i različitih vrsta gnojiva na rast i prinos ribiza. Kako bi se izbjegle moguće štetne posljedice prekomjerne uporabe mineralnih gnojiva iz konvencionalne proizvodnje, istraživana je mogućnost najbolje formulacije i količine mineralnog gnojiva i te utjecaj primjene organskih gnojiva. Pokus je postavljen s mineralnim gnojivom na crvenom ribizu sorte Rovada u sezoni 2010 godine na imanju Obrt Borovnica u Fužinama. Metode rada uključivale su pripremni rad, terenski rad, te laboratorijske analize i obradu podataka i prikupljanje u fazama istraživanja. Mjerenja su provedena na varijantama iz kontrolnog reda i postavljenih varijanta mineralne gnojidbe. Laboratorijska istraživanja vršena su na pokusnim redovima te su izvršena sljedeća mjerenja: prinos po biljci (g), C vitamin, ukupna masa, broj grozdova, masa zrna, masa peteljke i broj zrna po grozdu. Podaci su statistički obrađeni u laboratoriju Križevci. Istraživanjima je utvrđeno da je najveći prinos po grmu crvenog ribiza ostvaren na varijanti gnojidbe mineralnim gnojivima NPK 7-20-30 uz dva dušična gnojiva UREE i KAN-a. Najniži prinos je ostvaren na negnojenoj (kontrolnoj) varijanti. Najveća masa grozdića je ostvarena na toj istoj varijanti, a najlaganije grozdiće imala je negnojena varijanta i varijanta gnojena organskim gnojivima. Broj bobica po jednom grozdiću bio je najveći na varijanti NPK 7:20:30 +UREA+KAN+FERTINA, a iznosio je 10%, te organskoj gnojidbi u iznosu od 8,95 %. Prosječnu masu bobice ostvarila je gnojidba mineralnim gnojivima na varijanti NPK 7:14:21 + UREA, a najmanju negnojena varijanta. Masa grozdića i peteljke izmjerena je najviše na negnojenoj (kontrolnoj varijanti ). Najmanja zastupljenost peteljke u grozdiću je utvrđena u varijanti NPK 7:20:30 +UREA+KAN, dok najviše vrijednosti suhe tvari u 32 plodovima su imale kontrolna i organska te mineralna varijanta s NPK 7:14:21. Najmanje suhe tvari utvrđeno je u bobicama uzgojenim na varijanti NPK 10:30:20 + UREA, a najveća količina askorbinske kiseline (C vitamina) utvrđene su u negnojenoj varijanti (kontrolna) dok je u plodovima svih drugih varijanti utvrđena značajno manja količina toga spoja. Temeljem provedenog istraživanja može se zaključiti da su najbolji rezultati u uzgoju crvenog ribiza postignuti primjenom 600 kg/ha kompleksnog mineralnog gnojiva NPK 7-20-30 uz dva dušična gnojiva u različitim fazama razvoja biljaka i to: 100 kg/ha UREE i 100 kg/ha KAN-a te 2 % otopina Fertine V . Rezultati postignuti na varijanti gnojenoj organskim gnojivima su znatno u zaostatku prinosa biljaka što je posljedica izostanka pozitivnog efekta dodavanja organskog gnoja na površini koja je veoma bogata organskom tvari (preko 6 % humusa) i siromašna esencijalnim hranivima. |
Abstract (english) | The production of berries is increasingly expanding, both worldwide and in Croatia. According to data from 2013, berries in Croatia (excluding strawberries) were being grown on 460 hectares and 975 tons of fresh fruit were produced. The growth of currant is generally based on the principles of conventional agriculture, which, due to a lack of knowledge and wanting to produce a higher quantity of fruit, runs a high risk of environmental pollution and also presents a health risk for people who have a contact with the remains of agrochemicals, and because of that, there is an active search for other solutions. In the past few years, special attention was given to the production being integrated and organic, as well as to the application of organic fertilizers, which have a positive effect not only on the growth and development of the plants, but also on the increase in nutritional value of the fruit. The goal of this study was to determine the effect of different systems of fertilization and different kinds of fertilizer on the growth and the quantity of currants that gets produced. In order to avoid possible harmful effects of an excessive use of mineral fertilizers in conventional production, the possibility of best formulations and amounts of mineral fertilizer was researched, as well as the use of organic fertilizers.The experiment was set with mineral fertilizer on the Rovada variety of red currant in the season of 2010 at the farm Obrt Borovnica in Fužine. Working methods included preparatory work, field work, laboratory analysis as well as the processing and collection of data in the stages of research. The measurements were made on the variants in the control row and a set of variants with mineral fertilizers. Laboratory studies were carried out on experimental rows and have made the following measurements: yield (amount of berries produced) per plant (g), vitamin C, total weight, number of clusters, grain weight, the weight of the stem and the number of grains per cluster. The data was statistically analyzed in the laboratory in Križevci. The research showed that the highest yield per red currant bush was recorded on plants that were fertilized with mineral fertilizers NPK 7-20-30 in combination with two nitrogen fertilizers, UREA and KAN. The lowest yield was obtained on non-fertilized (control) variant. The maximum cluster mass was recorded on the same variant, while the lightest clusters were grown on the unfertilised variant as well as on the variant that was fertilized with organic fertilizers. The number of berries per cluster was highest on the NPK 7:20:30 +UREA+KAN +Fertina, and it amounted to 10%, while with the organic fertilizer the amount was that of 34 8.95%. The average weight of berries was achieved through fertilization with mineral fertilizers NPK 7:14:21 + UREA, while the lowest was on the unfertilised variant. The mass of the clusters and stems was the highest on the non-fertilised (control) variant. The lowest part of stems in the cluster was measured in the NPK 7:20:30 + urea + KAN variant, while the highest values of dry matter in fruits were found in the control and organic variant as well as the mineral variant with NPK 7:14:21. The least dry matter was found in berries grown with the NPK 10:30:20+UREA, and the greatest amount of ascorbic acid (vitamin C) are were found in the non-fertilised variants (control) while the fruits of all other variants contained significantly smaller amounts of said compound. Based on the research that was conducted, it can be concluded that the best results in the cultivation of red currants were achieved by applying 600kg/ha of the complex mineral fertilizer NPK 7-20-30 in combination with two nitrogen fertilizers in different stages of the development of the plants: 100 kg/ha of UREA, 100 kg/ha of KAN and 2% of the solution Fertina V. The results achieved on the variant with organic fertilizers are significantly behind in the amount that was produced, which is a result of the absence of the positive effect of adding an organic fertiliser to a surface very rich with organic matter (over 6% of humus) and lacking essential nutrients. |